SUN VALLEY SCHOOL PTO is an active group of parents, teachers and staff dedicated to enriching children's education and building community. PTO fundraising enables Sun Valley to offer ART, MUSIC, P.E., SCIENCE, POETRY and MORE. We sponsor field trips, class supplies, book fairs, author visits, career assemblies, garden club and family events. If you have a kid at SV, you're a member!
Be a part of the PTO
The PTO uses its resources, both manpower and monetary, to support the efforts of the staff and to provide learning and enrichment opportunities for our children. Everything we do is based on volunteers and we look to the community to help make a difference in the lives of our children. Every parent/guardian is already a member of the PTO and we encourage you to get involved! Volunteer your time. Come to meetings. Read the minutes. Give us your thoughts. Jump in and help. Ask questions. Donate what you can. Many hands make the job easier and every hour helps!
Thanks to the donations to the Annual Fund, Sun Valley is able to welcome these specialists to provide enrichment programs for our kids. If you would like to contribute to the Annual fund, you can learn more here.

Amanda Hahn
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade Music Specialist
For 22 years, Amanda has worked as an Orff Schulwerk-based music and movement teacher, is the Director for Marin Girls Chorus, and teaches other groups throughout the Bay Area.

Marnina Young
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade Art Specialist
Marnina is a familiar face at Sun Valley. With professional training and experience primarily in engineering and architecture, she has always been an artist and loves doing art with kids.

Jessica Gonzalez
4 – 5th Grade Art Specialist
Jessica brings us over 30 years of creative art curriculum design experience. She has instructed as an art docent at previous schools and is certified to teach mindfulness.

Maddi Van Zandt
5th Grade Environmental Science Specialist
Trained at Climate Corps Education Outside to deliver ecoliteracy to young environmentalists, Maddi is excited to share her passion for the environment and conservation.

Ben Freeland
PE Coach
Prior to his time teaching PE in San Rafael City Schools through the National Academy of Athletics, Ben coached basketball for 6 years and played professionally in Europe for 2 years.
​1. Students will be guided to develop to their fullest academic potential.
2. Students will be recognized in their classrooms, school, and community for demonstrating academic achievement, cooperative behavior, and responsibility.
3. Students will be valued for individual contributions to the class, school and community.
4. Students will engage in active learning where new concepts are introduced and/or reinforced with hands-on experiences.
5. Students will experience a variety of instructional strategies including whole group directed instruction, cooperative learning, individual and small group instruction.
6. Students will be encouraged to develop divergent and critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies.
7. Students will be stimulated to develop a love of learning based on their home, school and community experiences.
8. Students will develop respect for cultural and individual differences in our community.


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