HELP US REBUILD! Because of your past generosity, we’ve funded Sun Valley’s most beloved student programs, community-building events, and critical school supplies. This year, you can help bring these wonderful experiences back to Sun Valley.
Double or triple your contribution to Sun Valley! Take advantage of your corporate match benefit.
Many companies, both large and small, will match donations made by their employees. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees, family members, and friends of Sun Valley PTO!​ Would your employer? Don't leave money on the table.
Find out today: Bay Area Companies with Matching Gift Programs
It only takes a few minutes but it makes a BIG impact.
Frequently Asked Questions​
1. What are Corporate Matching Gifts Programs?
Corporate Matching Programs are employee giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations, like Sun Valley PTO. It’s an easy way to double or triple your contribution to Sun Valley!
2. What donations qualify?
Corporations match cash gifts such as donations to the Annual Fund.
3. When should I request the Corporate Match?
We recommend requesting the matching gift as soon as the donation is made. Some employers have time restrictions of 2- to 6-months, while others allow a 12-month grace period from the time of the donation.
4. How can I help more?
Do you know other Sun Valley parents or grandparents who work at your company? If so, reach out to the Sun Valley parents at your company to let them know about your employer’s matching program.
5. What if I still have questions?
For questions regarding your company’s programs, please contact your employer’s HR, Benefits or community giving department. Information may also be available on your company’s intranet
For questions regarding submitting a matching gift request to Sun Valley PTO, please contact: pledge@sunvalleypto.org
Here are the companies who have given to Sun Valley in the past:​
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Charles Schwab
Morgan Stanley
PG & E
Wells Fargo
Questions? Contact us! pledge@sunvalleypto.org